You are here: DocumentationScattPy ReferenceParticles



A particle is defined by its surface shape and the complex refractive index of its medium. In the case of a multilayered particle, each layer’s refractive index and surface shape should be defined.

Homogeneous particles

A homogeneous particle can be defined as an instance of the HomogeneousParticle. There are also several predefined classes for the most often used partiles.

HomogeneousParticle(shape, params, m) Class for homogeneous particles ..
Sphere(xv, m) Homogeneous spherical particle ..
ProlateSpheroid(ab, xv, m) Homogeneous prolate spheroidal particle ..
OblateSpheroid(ab, xv, m) Homogeneous oblate spheroidal particle ..
ChebParticle(N, eps, xv, m) Homogeneous Chebyshev particle

Layered particles

A layered particle can be defined as an instance of the LayeredParticle. There are also several predefined classes for the most often used multilayered partiles.

LayeredParticle(layers) Class for layered particles
Layered_EqShape_Particle(shape0, params, ms, ...) Layered particle whose layers have the same shapes, i.e.
Layered_EqShapeEqVol_Particle(shape0, ...) Layered particle whose layers have the same shapes, i.e.
LayeredConfocalSpheroid(ab, xv, ms, volumes, ...)

Effective Medium Theory

Inhomogeneous scatterers can also be treated with the effective medium theory (EMT). An EMT particle is an instance of a class derrivered from the EMT_Particle. There are several classes implementing EMT with the most widely used EMT rules.

EMT_Particle(shape0, params, ms, volumes) Particle using effective medium theory, an approximation of inhomogeneous particles with homogeneous one having averaged complex refrecive index m.
EMT_MGarn_Particle(shape0, params, ms, volumes) Particle using Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory,
EMT_IMGarn_Particle(shape0, params, ms, volumes) Particle using inverse Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory,
EMT_Brugg_Particle(shape0, params, ms, volumes) Particle using Bruggeman effective medium theory,


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